Our exam preparation programmes are for people who wish to obtain a language certificate to enhance their CV for professional purposes, or as a step onto the next level of their education. These courses are designed to gain the highest marks in your target exams (GCSE, A Level, Pre U, IB, HSKs, or university exam). We help some local schools in conducting the speaking part of these exams.
The programme covers all elements required of the desired examination board's syllabus; our Beginners, Intermediate, or Advanced language programmes, depending on your starting points; and all elements of our Intercultural Workshops.
For Chinese language exams, you need to have solid foundation of Pinyin (sound make-up), written (Chinese characters) and writing order. Good understanding of language formation (grammar) and vocabulary is also required. In addition, it is necessary to understand Chinese culture to some degree, based on the outline requirements of each exam board's syllabus.
The main objectives are to enable students to develop:
- an understanding of Chinese in a variety of contexts.
- a knowledge of Chinese vocabulary and structures.
- transferable language learning skills.
- the ability to communicate effectively in Chinese.
- awareness and understanding of countries and communities where Chinese is spoken.
GCE Chinese | Edexcel GCE |
Class | One-to-one or Small Group |
Start Date | Any time |
Lesson Structure | 1 hour session, 1-3 per sessions per week |
Location | Our office, your office or your home |
The GCE exam is split into AS Level and A2 Level. You can take the exam either in Mandarin or Cantonese, either using simplified or traditional Chinese character writing. The Edexcel GCE offers a ‘Three units’ format which rewards learners for speaking, reading, listening and writing.
The AS level rewards students for their understanding of spoken and written Chinese, their ability to transfer meaning from Chinese into English and to produce continuous writing in Chinese. These are to be demonstrated by:
- Spoken Expression and Response in Chinese
- Understanding and Written Response in Chinese, including Listening, Reading and Writing
- An essay linked to a short Chinese-language stimulus.
General topic areas:
- Food, diet and health
- Transport, travel and tourism
- Education and employment
- Leisure, Youth interests and Chinese festivals. Chinese festivals: the Chinese New year, mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival, Ching Ming (Qing Ming)
The A2 Level tests the student's ability to understand written Chinese and respond in writing. It also enables them to demonstrate their ability to write in Chinese and promotes knowledge and understanding of Chinese culture and/or society through focused research. These are to be demonstrated by:
- Reading
- Translation
- Essay writing and Research-based essay writing (both essays ~250–500 characters)
Additional topic area:
- Environment (energy, pollution and environmental campaigns)
A Level Chinese brings the language to life as students apply their learning to real-world scenarios. It may be highly attractive to certain employers with a demand for language skills. If you have a natural aptitude for languages, have achieved GCSE Mandarin, and you can commit time for at least 3 sessions a week, the qualification is achievable within a year. If you can commit about 2 sessions a week, it should be achievable within 18 months.