Certificate Exams Preparation

Our exam preparation programmes are for people who wish to obtain a language certificate to enhance their CV for professional purposes, or a step onto the next level of their education. These courses are designed to gain the highest marks in your target exams (GCSE, A Level, Pre U, IB, HSKs, or university exam). We help some local schools in conducting the speaking part of these exams.

The programme covers all elements required of the desired examination board's syllabus, our Beginners, Intermediate, or Advanced language programmes, depending on your starting points, and all elements of our Intercultural Workshops.

For Chinese language exams, you need to have solid foundation of Pinyin (sound make-up), written (Chinese characters) and writing order. Good understanding of language formation (grammar) and vocabulary is also required. In addition, it is necessary to understand Chinese culture to some degree, based on the outline requirements of each exam board's syllabus.

The main objectives are to enable students to develop:

  • an understanding of Chinese in a variety of contexts.
  • a knowledge of Chinese vocabulary and structures.
  • transferable language learning skills.
  • the ability to communicate effectively in Chinese.
  • awareness and understanding of countries and communities where Chinese is spoken.

GCSE and IGCSE Chinese Exams
GCSE and IGCSE ChineseEdexcel GCSE and IGCSE, AQA GCSE, Cambridge IGCSE Second Language Chinese
ClassOne-to-one or small group
Start DateAny time
Lesson Structure1 hour session, 1-3 per sessions per week
LocationOur office, your office or your home

The GCSE combines controlled assessment of speaking and writing skills with external assessments for listening and reading skills. These assessments vary depending on whether you are taking the Foundation tier or Higher tier. You may take the exam in either Mandarin or Cantonese, and may write with either simplified or traditional Chinese characters. The assessment is based on the following skills:

  • Listening and understanding in Chinese
  • Speaking in Chinese
  • Reading and understanding in Chinese
  • Reading in Chinese

Possible related content:

  • Media and culture: music, film, reading; fashion, celebrities, religion; blogs, internet
  • Sport and leisure: hobbies and interests, sporting events, lifestyle choices
  • Travel and tourism: holidays, accommodation, eating, food, drink
  • Business, work and employment: work experience, part-time jobs
  • Centre-based option

Exams boards and Exams:

  • The Edexcel GCSE offers Full Course and Short Course in Chinese. It combines controlled assessment of speaking and writing skills with external assessments (Foundation or Higher) for the listening and reading skills. This is a good choice of exam, as it offers greater flexibility for you further progress to GCE AS and A Level or other advanced level qualifications, even if you are unsure how long you can keep up your study.
  • The Edexcel IGCSE is a single-tier papers, 100% examination format via three Edexcel-marked units. If you have been learning Chinese for some time, and wish to progress to any other advanced level qualifications, then this exam is for you. Some native Chinese speakers often opt to take this exam.
  • The AQA GCSE exam offers Listening and Reading for either Foundation or Higher, but Speaking and Writing are untiered. Otherwise it is similar as Edexcel.
  • The Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese syllabus is designed for learners whose first language is Chinese. Some native Chinese speakers often opt to take the exam.
  • Cambridge IGCSE Chinese as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of Chinese and want to develop their understanding to progress their education or career.

If you have a natural aptitude for languages and you can commit time for at least three lessons a week, obtaining a GCSE in Chinese is achievable within a year for a total beginner. If you take two sessions a week it is achievable within two years.