Our exam preparation programmes are for people who wish to obtain a language certificate to enhance their CV for professional purposes, or a step onto the next level of their education. These courses are designed to gain the highest marks in your target exams (GCSE, A Level, Pre U, IB, HSKs, or university exam). We help some local schools in conducting the speaking part of these exams.
The programme covers all elements required of the desired examination board's syllabus, our Beginners, Intermediate, or Advanced language programmes, depending on your starting points, and all elements of our Intercultural Workshops.
For Chinese language exams, you need to have solid foundation of Pinyin (sound make-up), written (Chinese characters) and writing order. Good understanding of language formation (grammar) and vocabulary is also required. In addition, it is necessary to understand Chinese culture to some degree, based on the outline requirements of each exam board's syllabus.
The main objectives are to enable students to develop:
- an understanding of Chinese in a variety of contexts.
- a knowledge of Chinese vocabulary and structures.
- transferable language learning skills.
- the ability to communicate effectively in Chinese.
- awareness and understanding of countries and communities where Chinese is spoken.
Official Website | Cambridge Pre-U Mandarin Chinese |
Class | One-to-one or Small Group |
Start Date | Any time |
Lesson Structure | 1 hour or 1.5 hours per session, 1-3 sessions per week |
Location | Our office, your office or your home |
The Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject in Mandarin Chinese is a stand-alone qualification, with all components assessed at the full Cambridge Pre-U standard at the end of a two-year programme of study. There are no unit retakes. Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subjects are certificated separately. They are fully compatible with A Levels and may be taken in combination with them.
The Cambridge Pre-U course is a very highly regarded 'pre-university' course for students, which builds on GCSE Chinese to develop students skills in all areas of the language. Pre-U courses are regarded as comparable to A level courses in most aspects, though the grading system allows the best students to achieve a Distinction grade that is considered to be more impressive than an A* grade at A level. Generally speaking, however , the Pre-U is considered as more achievable for a non-native Chinese speaker.
Main differences with A Level
- A major emphasis on speaking Chinese
- A substantial number of cultural topics: Traditions, History, Economics, etc.
- Requires learning certain Chinese idioms
- Requires reading and analysing Chinese literature in context, then writing an essay on it in English.
Assessment Overview of the Cambridge Pre-U
- Paper 1: Speaking - 15 minutes, 20%. Externally assessed Oral
- Paper 2: Listening, Reading and Translation - 2h 30m, 30%. Externally set and marked written paper
- Paper 3: Writing and Usage - 2h, 25%. Externally set and marked written paper
- Paper 4: Chinese Culture - 2h 30m, 25%. Externally set and marked written paper
Exam Details
Paper 1: Speaking - two parts
Part 1: Prepared Topic, and Topic Conversation
Candidates research a topic related to the history, current affairs or culture of the Chinese world. In the examination, they will speak in Mandarin Chinese on this topic for about two minutes and answer follow-up questions from the Examiner.
Part 2: General Conversation
Straightforward questions about the candidate’s background and interests will lead quickly to a more mature conversation covering the Topic Areas listed in the syllabus.
Paper 2: Listening, Reading and Translation - four parts
Part 1: Listening
Candidates listen to pre-recorded passages in Mandarin Chinese and answer questions.
Part 2: Reading
The comprehension of two passages in Chinese is tested by questions in English.
There is a mixture of objective questions and questions requiring written answers in English. Both passages will be in contemporary vernacular style, using grammatical structures as used in all popular textbooks.
Part 3: 成语 (Chéngyǔ - Idioms)
Candidates provide a literal translation and an explanation in English for three chengyu taken from a list of 25 prescribed in the syllabus.
Part 4: Translation
Candidates translate a short passage of vernacular Chinese (not more than 200 characters) into English. The assessment focuses on the transfer of meaning rather than literal correctness.
Paper 3: Writing and Usage - three parts
Part 1: Writing
Candidates complete exercises testing radical and stroke order skills as well as the use of grammar markers, aspect markers and measure words.
Part 2: Letter Writing
Candidates write a letter of 80–100 characters. The task will be in English, but may require candidates to respond to a stimulus in Chinese. Assessment focuses on communication of the required elements, the accuracy of characters, accuracy of grammar and structures and appropriateness of language.
Part 3: Opinion Essay
A choice of six titles, one on each of the six Topic Areas, is provided. Candidates have to write one essay in Chinese of 175–225 characters. Essays will be assessed for accuracy and linguistic range as well as development and organisation of ideas. A colloquial style will be sufficient for top marks.
There is a mixture of objective questions and questions requiring written answers in English. Both passages will be in contemporary vernacular style, using grammatical structures as used in all popular textbooks.
Paper 4: Chinese Culture - two options
In the examination, candidates answer two questions, in English, one on each of their chosen options.
- First Option: Choice from Topics in Chinese Culture.
- Second Option: Choice form Chinese Literature and Film (texts in this Section to be studied in English).
The recommended length for each answer is 600-750 words. Candidates are assessed on their knowledge and understanding of their chosen cultural options and their ability to answer a question in a clear and focused manner.
IB Chinese Exam Official link | The International Baccalaureate in Chinese |
Class | One-to-one or Small Group |
Start Date | Any time |
Lesson Structure | 1 hour or 1.5 hrs per session, 1-3 per sessions per week |
Location | Our office, your office or your home |
IB Chinese fit into the The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme, a challenging two-year curriculum. Mandarin is an option in the ‘Second Language’ subject groups. Depending on the students experience/level, Mandarin can be studied at one of 3 levels:
- Ab initio - for beginners who have no previous experience of Mandarin. Standard level only
- Language B - for students who have had some previous experience of learning Mandarin They may be studied at either higher level or standard level.
- Language A2 - students who have a high level of competence in the language they have chosen. They include the study of both language and literature, and are available at higher level and standard level.
Note: Standard level is 150 teaching hours. Higher level is 240 teaching hours.
Students must study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups and complete an extended essay. They must follow a theory of knowledge course and participate in creativity, action, service. In most cases three of the six subjects are studied at higher level (courses representing 240 teaching hours). The remaining three subjects are studied at standard level courses (representing 150 teaching hours).